Retailers and Events

Upcoming Events

November 16 + 17 - TBPG Holiday Sale

A 2-day holiday sale showcasing work by members of the Thunder Bay Potters Guild. Held at the Roots Community Food Center, 10 - 4pm both days. 


November 24 - Craft Revival

Thunder Bay's largest holiday market, hosted in multiple venues in downtown Port Arthur. I will be at The Foundry, 242 Red River Road, 10 - 4pm. 


December 1 - Open Studio Pottery Sale

I am opening the doors to my studio for a pottery sale! Come shop from a much larger variety of my work, sip some cider, and chat with me about clay. 335 Gorevale Road, 10 - 3pm. 


December 6 - Pop Up Sale

I will have a table set up at the Rose N Crantz Cafe! Check out the coffee and tea specific pottery and pick out your new mug, 9am - 2pm. 




My work is now available locally at The Clay Collective NWO, located inside the Goods & Co. Marketplace, 251 Red River Road, Thunder Bay ON. 


Free local pickup is always an option. Shipping to all of Canada and USA.